Submit a Business Listing

Business Listings are a free way to enjoy the advertising power of our site & social media channels.
Listing your business with DeKalb Tourism provides a free way to increase visibility, promotional efforts, and reach a larger audience with a business page on our website. Our website serves as a hub for both tourists and area residents, and offers a single location to find things to do, places to go, and upcoming events. We showcase merchants, attractions, and events directly on our site as well as our social media channels; helping you build business, sustain area commerce, and increase economic growth.

Business listings are organized by categories and collected on specific category pages. You may select up to 4 categories to be featured on, so you are easily found by visitors based on their interests.

Local businesses are found under the following pages, depending on general service type:

  • Stay: lodging accommodations & realtors
  • Eat: restaurants
  • Play: activities, attractions, and shops
  • Plan: event & trip planning
Each business listing includes your company name, featured photo, text description, address with map, contact information, social media or website link, and hours of operation. You may either submit a new business listing or edit an existing listing.

To become a member, simply fill out the form below. All fields market with an asterisk (*) are required. Featured photos may be uploaded in .png or .jpg file formats, and must be at least 72 dpi and 660 pixels wide x 440 pixels high. Please note that we do reserve the right to make corrections, edits, and changes to any information provided to ensure consistency and accuracy. You may be asked to submit additional information if any criteria is missing from your listing.

If you are editing an existing listing found on our website, please complete the required fields and then any edit needed if it falls under a field not required. We will complete your edit as soon as possible.

Submit or Edit a Business Listing

    Business Name*

    Contact Name*

    Street Address 1*

    Street Address 2



    Zip Code*


    Phone #*

    Phone #


    Social Link

    Video Link

    Business Type

    Business Photo

    Play Categories:

    Eat Categories:

    Stay Categories:

    Listing Type:

    DeKalb County, Alabama, Visitors Guide 2025

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