Trail Trekker Hike Series: Blue & Orange Trails
Trail Trekker Hike Series: Blue & Orange Trails
Trail Trekker Hike Series: DeSoto Scout Trail Section: Blue & Orange Trails Can you say “I Hiked Them All”? DeSoto State Park challenges you to become a DeSoto State Park Trail Trekker! Hike the designated 22 miles of trails in DeSoto, (whether on your own or in a group, no time limit) and collect your prize, a Trail Trekkers Patch. Just log your hikes in the Trail Trekker log and record the date for each trail listed. Sign completed form and turn in to DeSoto State Park Country Store or Lodge to receive your patch! Join DeSoto State Park staff on a beautiful outdoor adventure hike though-out the park to see waterfalls along Laurel Creek, big & small. This hike is a moderate 3 mile hike along the orange & blue trails.