Serious Skills Series: Archery
Serious Skills Series: Archery Archery is the art, practice, and skill of shooting arrows with the use of a bow. Historically it has been used for hunting and combat and has been around for many years. Archery is also a sport that is becoming increasingly popular as an outdoor recreation activity. Ages 8 to adult. Join DeSoto State Park Staff for an opportunity to learn archery safety & techniques. Activity is suitable for those who have never shot a bow, or for those with some previous experience. All equipment provided. Class times start at 10:00 am, 11:00, & 12:00
DeSoto State Park-Fort Payne, Alabama. Picnic Area (Across the road from DSP’s Country Store on County Road 89) Free & open to the public. Pre-registration is NOT required, the public is more than welcome to come at any of the posted times. Please note archery may be cancelled due to wet conditions. Email Brittney.Hughes@dcnr.alabama.gov for any details.
Info: https://reserve.alapark.com/register/DSP-SSS-Archery