Beginner 101 Hike: Guide for Newbies
Beginner 101 Hike: Guide for Newbies Aqua Loop – If you are new to hiking or just need a refresher, this once-a-month hike series is for you. We will start out with a Hiking 101 Class that covers everything you need to know to plan and have an enjoyable & safe hiking experience. We will touch on trail safety, the 10 hiking essentials, map reading, and Leave No Trace. Afterwards, we will head out on a short, beginner friendly hike to try out some of your new skills. About the hike: Aqua Loop. Hikes along any of the trails at DeSoto State Park are considered moderate, because of the uneven, rocky terrain. However, we will be hiking slowly so these are all perfect for beginners. If you would like to bring a hiking stick for stability, you are welcome to do so. What to bring: Backpack with plenty of water, lunch, snacks. Closed-toed shoes.