DeKalb County—On the Road to Chickamauga
DeKalb County—On the Road to Chickamauga For approximately two weeks in August-September 1863, thousands of Union soldiers with artillery and armaments, supply wagons, and livestock moved through DeKalb County by way of Valley Head, DeSoto Falls, Little River, and beyond on the way to the Battle of Chickamauga. Using historical references including diaries, letters, regimental histories, and other materials, Judge David Rains will discuss the enormous logistical challenges, personal hardships, and war-time experiences of the soldiers, including their interaction with local citizens, as the soldiers moved through our county toward their fateful encounter with Confederate forces at the “River of Death.”
Join us on Thursday, October 20, at 6:30 in the Bill Berry Community Room at Moon Lake Village. This program is presented by the Mentone Area Preservation Association (MAPA) and is open to all and free of charge.