Yoga on the Mountain: Waterfall Trail Yoga Hike
Interested in ending your day in a positive way? Experience yoga while enjoying the beauty that is Desoto State Park! Join instructor Destin Padgett for a great outdoor experience of strengthening yoga poses AND hiking along beautiful trails. This hike will be a mix of trail hiking with an outdoor yoga session. bout the hike: This hike is approximately 2 ½ miles round trip, moderate. Trail weaves thru mixed forest with sandstone outcroppings along Laurel Creek. Will stop at Lost Falls & Laurel Falls along the way. DeSoto State Park-Fort Payne, Alabama. Meet at DeSoto’s Country Store on Co. Rd. 89 Fee: $5.00 per person (cash or check). Pre-registration is required, so we know how many to expect. Hike is open to ages 8 to adult. Email Brittney.Hughes@dcnr.alabama.gov for more info or to pre-register. If weather is questionable- check with DSP Lodge before coming: 256.845.5380