Plant Discovery Walk -July Blooms
Plant Discovery Walk- July Blooms Join DeSoto State Park Staff for a meandering walk in the park, taking in every opportunity to learn more about the natural world. On this walk we will identify many native blooming plants of the southern Appalachians and will be teaching you how to recognize the species found in the park. Bring a notebook/camera if you wish and discover what can be seen along the way. All ages welcome! We will be walking from the Lodge to the H. Stanley Sims Native Plant Area, which is a short 1,000-yard loop. Easy terrain, approx. 1 mile total : DeSoto State Park-Fort Payne, Alabama. Meet outside DeSoto’s Lodge: Free & open to everyone, no-preregistration required. Weather-dependent, please call the Lodge at 256.845.5380 beforehand to check on status of Walk. Contact Brittney.Hughes@dcnr.alabama.gov for any details.