Longleaf Pine Needle Basketry Class
Longleaf Pine Needle Basketry Class Learn the basics of pine needle basketry, an old craft with a long history. Join artist Brittney Hughes to learn the basic steps to making a coiled basket from longleaf pine needles. Each participant will learn the basic skills of pine needle basketry and take home their very own creation. The art of coiling baskets is universally common to indigenous peoples. Coiling is the technique of creating baskets and art from pine needles and was a part of pre-Columbian Native American crafts. Today, pine needle baskets and art are made primarily for decorative purposes. All materials (pine needles, thread, and small center for basket) will be furnished. Class is for ages 10 and up. Pre-registration is required, as participation is limited. JSU’s Little River Canyon Center in Fort Payne, Alabama. $55 supply fee- Supply fee due day of class. For details and to register email Southernchick888@hotmail.com. Call the Little River Canyon Center for more information, 256-845-3548.