Landscaping with Native Plants
Landscaping with Native Plants Landscaping with native plants is sometimes called “naturescaping.” Native doesn’t have to mean wild, though! You can have a garden that is just as refined and glamorous as anyone else’s. Even though it is made up of native plants, the design is up to you. Many species of birds, pollinating bees and insects, butterflies and moths rely on our landscapes for homes, nest material, protection and food, so come and learn about our native wildflowers, trees, grasses and shrubs and how they play a key role in our ecosystem. Learn how to enhance your landscaping skills while promoting biodiversity! Will include presentation & a meandering walk-about to see native plants around the park.
DeSoto State Park, Fort Payne, Alabama. Benefield Nature Center, next to the Country Store & Information Center
Fee: Free & open to everyone. RSVP is appreciated so we know how many to expect or in case of cancellation.
RSVP here: https://forms.office.com/g/m3pYXh5JTa