iNaturalist Hike: Along Little River
iNaturalist Hike: Along Little River – Join DeSoto State Park Naturalist Brittney Hughes for a hike along the West Fork of Little River to discover what can be observed & recorded using iNaturalist, a free app that can be used to record observations of all sorts of things — plants, animals, and even fungi. Learn how to use the simple app to help contribute to park species lists and about species seen in the park. What is iNaturalist?-It is a way for people that are interested in nature to share what they see with others, as well as gaining identifications on species that they may not be familiar with. The app also helps to collect data, collaborating with others to gather information for a common project or purpose (i.e. species lists, bioblitzes, etc.) Users can also access the observational data collected by other iNaturalist users. If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about the plants and animals around you but you didn’t have someone along for your hike or walk to ask, you’ll want to download iNaturalist. And you can even make observations in your backyard or on the street walking in your neighborhood. Bottom line: this app gives you the opportunity to have your own personal naturalist resource whenever you decide to go, as long as your battery is charged! 10:00-12:30 p.m. (CST) DeSoto State Park-Fort Payne, AL. Meet at DeSoto’s Country Store on County Road 89
Fee: Free, no pre-registration required; We recommend you bring your own smart phone or device & download the app prior if you wish (free wifi at Country Store, Lodge, & Nature Center). For any details about the hike, email