Hernando’s Adventure Storytime Hike
Hernando’s Adventure Storytime Hike Join DeSoto State Park & JSU Field School staff on a hike along the Azalea Cascade Interpretive Trail in DeSoto State Park. Hike along and stop at points along the trail to hear the tale of a little raccoon named Hernando. Hernando is a little on the lazy side…and he gets left behind while his mother and siblings are off hunting for food. He awakens some time later to find himself alone…and hungry…and not really sure what to do! About the book: Hernando’s Adventure is a short book for children in which the ways of the woods are explained so that kids from pre-school to elementary school can understand them. About the hike: Trail is approx. .7 of a mile long on slightly rocky terrain (not suitable for strollers) Bring snacks/drinks/daypack if you wish. Meet at DeSoto’s Country Store & Information Center on Co. Rd. 89 Free, open to all age children & their family. No-preregistration required. For any details email Brittney.Hughes@dcnr.alabama.gov or rmtaylor@jsu.edu for more details.