Early Spring Hike
Early Spring Hike in DeSoto State Park Join DeSoto State Park Staff on a moderate meandering hike along the West Fork of Little River to see what species of plants is starting to grow and bloom after a long winter season. We will learn some natural history of the plants, and some medicinal and historical uses as well. About the hike: the trail will be moderate, rugged terrain over approx. 2 miles. We will utilize the DeSoto Scout trail & green trail for this hike. DeSoto State Park-Fort Payne, Alabama. Meet at DeSoto’s Country Store on County Road 89. Free & open to everyone, no-preregistration required. Weather-dependent, please call the Lodge at 256.845.5380 beforehand to check on status of hike. Contact Brittney.Hughes@dcnr.alabama.gov for any details.