Dusk to Dark Yoga Walk
Yoga Walk-Dusk to Dark – Experience yoga while enjoying the beauty that is Desoto State Park. Walk along the park’s boardwalk trail, following Laurel Creek. Listen to the sounds of nature as instructor Destin Padgett guides you in slow & easy yoga poses. Yoga poses are alignment based which makes them perfect for those beginning or continuing their yoga practice. Dress for the weather, and bring a yoga mat or towel, water & snack. The boardwalk trail is ADA-accessible 1,000-foot-long boardwalk with benches along the way. The walk is considered easy, ending at a large platform overlooking Azalea Cascade for a relaxing yoga class. DeSoto State Park-Fort Payne, Alabama. Meet at the Talmadge Butler Boardwalk Trailhead on Co. Rd. 89 (Nature Center next to Country Store in case of inclement weather) $5.00 per person (cash or check, at class). Pre-registration is appreciated, so we know how many to expect. Hike is open to ages 8 to adult, RSVP here: https://forms.office.com/g/QKvad6PndP